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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

To Pangandaran

  karsonos       Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pangandaran a city in south coastal outskirts to be precise him was located in the Ciamis regency, the West Javanese province of - Indonesia. By chance I was born in a village to be precise the Cikaler, the village Kondangjajar, Subdistrict Cijulang Regency Ciamis approximately 10 km to the south from the side of Pangandaran. There is several the location of the tour that was located in Pangandaran among them the white Coast and the forest Guarantee that still were natural. To the south again we could see the Batuhiu Coast approximately three kilometre from Pangandaran and that most the tip had the Batukaras coast and Green Canyon. Only had one transport access to there that is using the land transport, although being available Nusawiru Airfield facilities that his location in the Cijulang subdistrict, approximately 10 km from Pangandaran. However his use was not yet optimal only from time to time was used if having the official or the other interests.

Really was easy to go to Pangandaran, from Jakarta - Pangandaran we could rise his bus of the cost public really was covered around Rp. 90,000.- arrived at the bus terminal, and to arrive at the coast was enough to pay Rp. 7,000.- used the pedicab transport. If using the vehicle personally around 8 hours in the normal condition. Really was easy not or more unclear could contact the Service of Tourism Regency Ciamis.

Kidang Pananjung Street No.1
Pangandaran, Ciamis West Java - Indonesia
Telepone +62 265 630 301
Facsimile +62 265 639 185

For accommodation really was easy very much, from beginning the Jasmine and Luxurious Hotel has been available.

This information could be useful to that wanted to go out or the holiday in Pangandaran, that was most important if not the understanding was better asked the authorised official (like police) to avoid matters that were not wanted. | invite friends. hang out. get paid.

Thanks for reading To Pangandaran

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