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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Easyhits4u, easy way to Increase Traffic and Money

  karsonos       Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Traffic Exchange with 160,000+ membersHaving a blog or web with the number of visitors that many, certainly to the desire of each person who maintains a web or blog. Number of requests (traffic) which many of course will affect the increasing SEO for our web blog, which is certainly more open opportunities our money tap from your blog or website that we have. By leveraging our traffic exchange will get the number of visits with ease. A program on the Internet provides traffic exchange plus the amount of money, Oke Joined!

Before starting this program, let us know what it is traffic exchange. Traffic Exchange system is the exchange of visits among fellow managers blog or website. Simply put, we will get a visit behind every visit a blog or another website. Every single time we visit we will get back once the visit. How does the way this program?

Every other site we visited we would get a hit point where hit point each one means we have the first right turning traffic. So if we collect 100 hits in one day, then it will be 100 requests back to our site. This is known as manual traffic exchange, which is a fair exchange in which human beings as the main perpetrator, not a machine like in the auto surf programs.

Easyhit4you traffic exchange is one of the proven programs. Besides obtaining return visit, we will get some money for each of their visits to websites of others. This program offers a 1:1 traffic exchange (20 seconds) and 2:1 traffic exchange (15 seconds). The first option means we will get one point each to one hit (to visit another site once) for 20 seconds. Secondly, we will get one visit for every two visits that we do each 15 seconds.

Before we talk more please register here. Having successfully created an account on the registration of my friends to do the above, your friends can enter your website or blog page into the menu 'mysite' are available, each one of us will earn 10 web pages which can be promoted.

Can money every surf. For every 1000 points that we collect is whether it comes from our own activities or activities of our downline, we will get commission $ 0.30 (30 cents a Dollar) Why? Because there are advertiser (the advertisers) who pay for their banner displayed or purchase hits for a visit. Money can be withdrawn after we reached $ 3 Accounts, withdrawals can be via Paypal or Alertpay you.We can also increase the income of the surf, with a reference to our friends.

Thanks for reading Easyhits4u, easy way to Increase Traffic and Money

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