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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Danger Smoke

  karsonos       Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cigarettes were the object that has not been again foreign for us. Smoked has become the very general habit and spread in the community. The danger smoked towards the health of the body was researched and proven by many people. Effects that were damaging resulting from smoked then has been known clearly. Many researches proved the habit smoked increased the risk of the emergence of various illnesses like the heart disease and the disturbance of blood vessels, lung cancer, cavity cancer in the mouth, larynx cancer, cancer osefagus, bronkhitis, hypertension, impotence as well as the disturbance of pregnancy.

The smoker's patients also involved a high risk experienced the complication or was difficult him injured recuperation after the operation including the plastic operation and the reconstruction, the formation plastic surgery of breasts and operation that was related to the body member, the underside.

In fact the habit smoked this was difficult to be eliminated and to be rarely acknowledged by the person as a bad habit. Moreover the person that smoked to shift himself from stress and emotional stress, more was difficult to run away from this habit compared with the smoker who did not have the background of depression.

The newest research also showed the existence of the danger from seconhandsmoke that is the cigarette smoke that was inhaled by people not the smoker because was in and around the smoker or could be mentioned also with the passive smoker. Cigarettes could not be separated from his production raw material namely tobacco. In Indonesia tobacco was increased the clove and other materials were mixt to be made cigarettes kretek. Apart from kretek tobacco could be also used as cigarettes rolled, white cigarettes, the cigar, pipe cigarettes and tobacco

Actually any that were contained in the smoke of a cigarette that was sucked? Not less than 4000 chemicals were poisonous. Chemicals that were issued this consisted of the gas component (85 percent) and the particle. Nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, oxide nitrogen, cyanide hydrogen, ammonia, akrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzen, methanol, kumarin, 4-etilkatekol, ortokresol and perylene was some of the thousands of substances in cigarettes.

The component of cigarette smoke gas was carbon monoxide, ammonia, the hydrocyanic acid, oxide nitrogen and formaldehid. His particle take the form of tar, indol, nicotine, karbarzol and kresol. These substances were poisonous, mengiritasi and caused cancer (the carcinogen). Actually whether these substances and how they endangered the body?

Nicotine. The substance that most often was discussed and researched by the person, poisoned nerves of the body, increased blood pressure, caused the constriction of bank blood vessels and caused addiction and the dependence to his user. The level of nicotine 4-6 mg that was sucked by the adult every day could have made someone addiction.

Lead (the Executive Board) that was produced a cigarette totalling 0.5 ug. Sebungkung cigarettes (the contents 20 rods) that completely was sucked in one day produced 10 ug. While the lead threshold that entered the body was 20 ug per the day. Could when a heavy smoker sucked in general 2 cigarettes packages per the day, how many this dangerous substance entered the body. (3) carbon monoxide Gas (Co) had the trend that was strong to take with haemoglobin in red blood cells. Necessarily this haemoglobin take with oxygen that was very important to breathing body cells, but because of gas Co stronger than oxygen then gas Co this seized his place "beside" haemoglobin. Be coupled haemoglobin with gas Co. Co in blood not the smoker less than 1 percent. Now in the smoker's blood reached 4-15 percent. (4) Tar was the collection from thousands of chemicals in the solid component the cigarette smoke and had a carcinogen nature. When cigarettes were sucked.

Nicotine played a role in beginning the occurrence of the network illness of the supporter of teeth because nicotine could be absorbed by the soft network of the cavity in the mouth including gums through the blood circulation and gums to the surface of teeth and the root. Nicotine could be found to the surface of the teeth root and results metabolit him that is kontinin could be found to the gums liquid.

Thanks for reading The Danger Smoke

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1 comment:

klik tukar said...

smoke emang really danger

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