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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Developed the Feeling of the Self-confidence

  karsonos       Saturday, October 27, 2007

The self-confidence was part of the subconscious nature and was unaffected by the rational argumentation. He only was affected by matters that were emotional and the feeling. Then to develop the self-confidence was needed the same implement, that is emotions, the feeling, and the imagination.

Emotions, the feeling and the imagination that were positive will increase the feeling of the self-confidence. On the other hand emotions, the feeling and the negative imagination will reduce the feeling of the self-confidence. How him that ourselves are always surrounded by positive energy that the maximum? Take note methods along with this:

1. Eliminated the influence of the negative.

Since being born and as long as our life experienced the positive and negative stimulus from the environment in turns. The person who for the length of his life accepted the relative negative stimulus will have the level of low self-confidence. The negative stimulus could come from the family circle, the community around, the office or the work environment, the school et cetera.

If we were trapped in a condition for relations between very bad humankind, immediately looked for the solution. The first method was by reach an agreement or compromising with the environment. Received the condition sincerely. But if not bringing positive results, better went out from this environment anything his risk.

2.The acknowledgment and appreciation

Acknowledgment and the appreciation of the other person towards the existence, the action or our achievement, really will increase the feeling of the self-confidence. His problem not many other people who did that. Only positive people who wanted to do that
His solution was gathered with people's positive group. The other method, we could begin by carrying out the acknowledgment and the appreciation to ourselves. No matter how small the positive action that was carried out by us, acknowledged in ourselves, or gave the small-scale gift.


Same as in the case of the acknowledgment, praise could increase the feeling of our self-confidence. Whoever was not happy if there are those that praised the appearance, the skill or our expertise. Rare then praise was given in the person's environment that the majority had negative ideas.

4. Spoiled himself

Spoiled himself that was important and necessary. Because in this way, we will feel as valuable humankind and could appreciate the other person.

5. Had a good opinion towards himself

This the method that most was easy to increase our self-confidence, because of could be carried out at any time and anywhere.

6. Got input positive

Input positive could be received through heroic stories, the success story, narrated that motivatif and emotional from the leading figure or business that was successful. These stories could motivate us to think and take positive measures. We could get input this from the book, the cassette, and the tv.

7. Make accustomed have an attitude positif

From had a positive attitude from himself by carrying him out in the everyday life. Confirm our memory only kept the positive incident. The person's other look in an balance manner with ourselves. Always did honest. And Showed that we indeed had the feeling of the self-confidence.

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